Contemporary International Problems
This course was designed to examine selected world and regional issues and problems. To identify global issues, analyze global challenges in politics and to evaluate major threats arising from global issues to peace, welfare and stability in our ever changing world today.
Artistic Expression in a Global Society
This course exposes students to the means by which cultures endure, adapt and thrive with cultural identity via the arts. Arts can be interpreted in different means and mediums but the beauty of art transcends boundaries, political views, borders.
Studies in World Religions
This course focuses on the different world religions. We examined the origins, teachings, and practices of selected world religions. This was an interesting course as it not only covered my own, but explained in further details some differences and even taught me some religions that I had never heard of.
Comparative Politics
This course examined major theories and methods of comparative politics, focusing on divergent political systems (Democracy, Authoritarianism, Totalitarianism). Several countries/regions were studied.